The Matheia Society is a community of individuals who see learning as their essential way of being in the world, and their lives as ultimately directed toward the attainment of a coherent and inclusive worldview. Founded on the principles of philomatheia (the love of learning) and arimatheia (excellence in learning), our society seeks to foster harmonic understanding as a pathway to peace. It is the philosophical mission of the Matheia Society to support humanity’s historical quest for excellence in learning by offering a forum for views on how best to define the proper relational rules between self, humanity, and nature. Our practical mission furthers the view that every mature person is, by nature, a philosopher. With this, humanity emerges, not biologically defined, but as a community of minds exploring the great questions long addressed by Western, African, Asian, Mid-Eastern, and Native-American theological and philosophical traditions. Attending our practical mission is the suggestion that the universities of the world, most especially their philosophy departments, should work together, as inclusive intellectual communities, to serve today’s ever-increasing need for conflict resolution centers.